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 "早上好,以防我见不着你,所以下午好,晚上好,晚安!" "Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"

"你是谁?" "Who are you?"

"你是真实的,所以大家才这么爱你……" "You were real. That's what made you so good to watch…"

"我给了Truman过正常生活的机会。而你所生活的世界,是一个病态的世界。" "I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place."

"我们看厌了花哨的特技。" "We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects."

"他就是出生在直播现场。" "He was born in front of a live audience."

"你无权把一个生命当成一场秀。" "What right do you have to turn a baby's life into a mockery."

"我们接受现实,就是那么简单。" "We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented."

"你还有什么法宝?你想阻止我只有杀我。" "You don't have to leave home to discover what the world is about."

"你无法在我的脑子里装摄影机。" "You can't plant a camera in my head."

"但是楚门的世界可以说是假的。楚门本人却半点不假。" "While the world he inhabits… is in some respects, counterfeit. There's nothing fake about Truman himself."

"我可能受到别人操纵。你有没有这种感觉,好像一生都身不由己。" "I might be being watched. How do you suppose that makes me feel?"

"我知道我们的生活都不如意,所有的理想都悄然逝去,你不想承认,于是另求出路。" "Things haven't worked out for us like we used to dream they would. I know what that feeling's like. Everything slipping away. You don't want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else."

"你是一个聪明人,应该走出去。人应该享受这个世界,而不是企图理解这个世界。" "You're a smart fellow, you should go out. People should enjoy the world, instead of trying to understand the world."

"这节目没有剧本、没有提示卡。未必是杰作,但如假包换。是一个人一生的真实记录。" "There is no script for this, no cue cards... It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine. It's a life."

"我预料马上就会看到骑红色脚踏车的女人,拿花的男人和保险杠受损的金龟车。" "I predict that, in just a moment, we'll see a lady on a red bike, followed by a man with flowers and a Volkswagen with a dented fender."

"重点是,我甘愿为你牺牲。" "But the point is, I'd gladly walk in front of traffic for you."

"他的初吻受到全球瞩目。" "The world stood still for that stolen kiss."

"你上了电视,正在向全世界转播。" "You're on television, Truman. You're live all over the world."

"外面的世界,跟我给你的世界一样虚假,有一样的谎言,一样的欺诈。" "The world out there, Truman, is no different. It's a lie."

"你不现实得像个少年。也许我的心情像少年。" "You're still a baby. I'm sorry to say so, but you're still a baby."

"我不想再让你失望。" "I don't want to see you get hurt."

"你所居住的这个世界,是病态的。" "The world you live in is the sick place."

"我知道你在害怕,但是别退缩。" "I know you're scared, but don't back away."

"楚门,这不过是一场表演。" "Truman, this is a show."

"你无法摆脱自己的命运。" "You can't escape your destiny, Truman."

"每个人都会接受眼前的现实。" "Everyone will accept the reality of the world with which they're presented."

"他是一个英雄,一个探索者。" "He's a modern-day hero, an explorer."

"整个世界都在窥视着你。" "The whole world is watching, Truman."

"我不害怕,我还年轻。" "I'm not afraid. I'm still alive."

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